EDC 532 Reading Reflection #1:
STRATEGIC AND ENGAGED READERS What makes a reader strategic (as they make sense of printed text)? How do more strategic readers differ from less strategic readers? In order for the reader to have a strategy, it would require that they understand a purpose for the text the read prior to reading. This is important to distinguish early as for this writing will only dwell in the instruction of academic reading, not pleasure. A Nabokov lecture titled Good Readers and Good Writers is one of the earliest texts newly initiated AP Language and Composition teacher work through during our College Board Seminars. Nabokov intuited the basic research findings from our first week’s readings by arguing that " one cannot read a book: one can only reread it. A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a rereader." In the essay, he reminded his audience that reading is a deliberate act and in order to maximize the true enchantment and art that the grea...